Tarot has been an integral part of Arcana from the very beginning. Our tarot card readers all have years of experience, diverse backgrounds, and their own unique tarot decks. We have a tarot card reader at Arcana most days of the week, usually from 8pm until 11 or midnight, depending on demand. Tarot card readings are first come/first served, and there is a wait list available where you can sign up. Tarot is a wonderful tool to gain insight and guidance into specific areas of your life.

The Daily Tarheel wrote a great article about Arcana and our tarot card family. You can read it here: ‘Completely unique’: Durham bar offers tarot and safe space

Our Readers

  • Joy Carter

    I'm a queer, witchy femme who's deeply into mythology, storytelling, and getting into the deep stuff. Tarot is one of my most useful and accessible tools for digging into those deep spaces with folks, and has been for more than fifteen years. In my readings, I walk alongside folks as they navigate liminal, in-between spaces, seeking out clarity and good counsel, greater liberation, and deeper grace. I particularly love questions about: sexuality, gender, spirituality, creativity, and grief. When I'm not at Arcana, I love dancing, designing and performing community rituals, and playing a few too many video games.

    Pricing and Payment:

    3-4 card reading: $20

    5-6 card reading: $30

    I accept cash, cards, and Venmo!

    Website: https://www.joyfulworkings.com/

  • Photo by Stephanie Leathers

    Jameela Dallis

    I've been studying and reading tarot since 2001 and have read for hundreds and hundreds of people. I believe that tarot is a mirror that reflects our present and provides insight into our past. It's a tool that provides direction rather than revealing a future to which we are bound because we have free will. Encounters with tarot can help us see ourselves more fully, help prepare us for what's ahead, and help us make more beneficial future choices. I've helped clients gain perspective on relationships and careers, work through creative blocks, or consider the rewards and challenges of beginning a new path. My interpretive style is intuitive and experiential, poetic yet direct.

    Sliding scale for individuals:

    10 minutes: $15 - $25 (5 cards)

    15 minutes: $20 - $30 (7 cards)

    20 minutes: $25 - $35 (10 cards)

    Sliding scale for 2-3 people:

    15 minutes: $25 - $35 (7 cards)

    20 minutes: $40 - $50 (10 cards)

    I accept cash, Venmo, CashApp, Zelle, PayPal, or credit cards.

    jameeladallis.com/tarot-services | ophidiantarot@gmail.com

  • Virginia Hopkins

    Virginia Hopkins has been professionally reading tarot for over 6 years. Tarot has been an important aspect of their multi-modality healing arts practice. A consistent student of this ancient tradition, Virginia is constantly deepening their existing knowledge.

    Readings with Virginia are in-depth. Together, you will excavate deeply to reveal your soul's true nature and that which creates resistance to fulfilling your purpose and desires.


    Insta / @suddenshrines

  • Kathleen Ibis

    Kathleen has been reading Tarot for over twenty-five years and has been one of Arcana's resident readers since shortly after the bar opened. She sees the cards and their images as a way to encourage dialogue between the conscious and unconscious minds. She takes an intuitive approach to reading and emphasizes the value of Tarot as a way to stimulate creative thinking about one's own life. The Rider-Waite is her deck of choice, though she sometimes adds oracle cards to the mix.”

    My readings are $5/card, starting with three cards and going up to ten. I draw extra cards at no cost at my discretion. For payments I accept cash (preferred), CashApp, Venmo, Apple Cash, and PayPal.


  • Rene Lambert

    Rene Lambert (They/Them)

    I'm a nonbinary Tarot reader born and raised in South Louisiana and I have a love for people, food and community. I've been reading Tarot for over 5 years and now am an intuitive reader- mainly reading through channeling and through the lessons of nature. I'm self taught and very much believe that Tarot is a tool meant to help us succeed in being the best versions of ourselves. I tend to have a large capacity for those folks dealing with grief and folks needing clarity within their everyday direction within life. I've read for hundreds of strangers and family and friends and there aren't more things in life that bring me such joy than being able to help others and to connect with their energy.

    Arcana Readings are $20 per read, per person (this includes couples reads) for a 15 min read

    I accept cash and Venmo only

    venmo: Rene-Lambert-1

    I also do personal reads that are 45 min to an hour at $50 per read

    email me for booking


  • Heiltje Le Roux


  • Devon Pelto

    Devon Pelto (she/they) calls their tarot readings "life coaching with pretty pictures." Their goal is to help empower each client to find the clarity and action steps they need to create the future they desire with confidence and support. As a yoga & meditation teacher, Devon is able to bring in the spiritual and mindfulness sides of coaching and they are also working on a Master of Social Work. They use all their training and knowledge during their readings and will be a licensed therapist in 2025. Devon has been reading tarot for over 10 years and has been at Arcana for 6 years.

    At Arcana tarot readings are $20.

    Cash, card, Venmo & CashApp are all accepted.

    Contact info:



  • Emily Stewart

    Emily has been practicing divination since childhood, but first discovered how powerful intuitive guidance can be when messages for others starting flowing through during healing sessions. She practices Reiki Healing, Vibrational Therapy with Tuning Forks, Tarot, and Sound Healing, and teaches trainings in both Reiki and Intuitive Unfoldment through her studio, In Tune Reiki & Healing Vibrations. With a kind, compassionate, and gentle approach to reading, she loves helping others see both the juicy opportunities and potential obstacles unfolding ahead. By asking to see the big picture, she believes each of us can be better equipped to choose what speaks to our soul and find our brightest possible path forward.


    3-card Spread . . .$10

    5-card Spread . . .$15

    7-card Spread . . .$20

    11-card Spread . . .$30

    Accepts: Venmo, CashApp, PayPal, Zelle, Credit/Debit Cards